Saturday, May 3, 2008

Cisco CCNA Certification Exam Training: Telnet, Passwords, and Privilege Levels

Their CCNA certification meeting is scheduled for questions about Telnet, a level of & 39; application protocol distance communication between two network devices. With & 39; use Telnet common as it is, you better know the configuration details as to conduct an audit of NACC and work in the real world networks.
The basic concept is fairly simple - we want to configuration R1, but we are available on R2. If we were able to telnet R1, then we can also set R1, if we have good, given the levels & 39; authorization. In this case, & 39; study CCNA, R2 d & 39; has an IP address and R1 l & 39; address Let us try to R2 telnet on R1.
R2 telnet
Trying ... Open
Password necessary, but not set
[ closed due to foreign host]
This seems like a problem, but & 39; is a problem we have at your disposal. A Cisco router can not & 39; n any user on the telnet default. & 39; C is a good thing, because we do not want someone & 39; one with a single connection to our router! The & quot; Password required & quot; & 39; message means that no password has been placed on VTY lines on R1. Let & 39; to now.
R1 (config) line vty 0 4
R1 (config-line) password baseball
A password & quot; Baseball & quot; was established on the VTY line, we should not have problems with Telnet Take R2 R1. Let & 39 d & 39; try that now.
R2 telnet
Trying ... Open
User Access Verification
R1 & gt;
We & 39; re, and user mode exec. Say you want to set a new IP address on & 39; Ethernet interface R1. We will now off privileged exec ....
R1 & gt; enable
% No password set
R1 & gt;
... or perhaps we are not! The default Telnet on a Cisco router, for users of & 39; arrival exec user mode, and & 39; need a password to enable the user & 39; Exec privileged mode! At the moment we can not set & 39; No matter what this router, and even orders to show that we use are limited to best.
If we wanted all the users on telnetting be put into operation exec preferred mode immediately without allowing request a password The level of command on 15 lines are VTY accomplish this.
R1 (config) line vty 0 4
R1 (config-line) 15
From level R2, we will be again.
R2 Telnet-R1 telnet
Trying 172.12. 123.1 ... Open
User Access Verification
We able to telnet from R2 with the initial password & quot; Baseball & quot; and even better, we have been privileged exec mode now!
You unable or unwilling to do that in the real world, networks, Though. If you want to assign levels of privilege on an individual basis users to configure the & 39; user name and password and privilege to 15 the command itself d & 39; user name and password command to give this privilege to certain levels & 39; users, but not all.
R1 (config) heidi klum
R1 username password (config) username privilege tim 15 Password gunn
Both Users can telnet in the router, but the first user to user exec defied and password for the privileged exec mode. S & 39; it & 39; is no password can, & 39; user can not literally exec privileged. The second privileged user in exec immediately after authenticating.
Passwords successfully on a Cisco router Switch or d & 39; paramount importance and that you & 39; are not linked to the granting of & 39; & amp ; quot; all or nothing & quot; access. Knowing the details as shown here to help you tie down network security, while people do their work - and it & 39; is not harmful to know these things for & 39; CCNA examination, whatsoever!
Chris Bryant, CCIE 12933, the owner of The Bryant Advantage, home to more than 100 free tutorials audit certification, including certification Cisco CCNA Test Prep article. His study guide exclusive CCNA Cisco and Cisco CCNA is also available!
Visit his blog and sign up for Cisco Certification Central, a letter d & 39; information daily, CCNA, Network +, Security +, A +, CCNP certification and verification of the practice questions! 7-A free, of course, as & quot;, & quot; of the NACC is also available and may be one or online CCNA Boot Camp with Bryant advantage!

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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Registry Fix - Learn How To Remove Registry Inconsistencies To Enhance System Performance

You need to perform registry fix to remedy various registry inconsistencies, which helps in enhancing the performance of your system.
You need to perform registry fix for recovering your system from various registry inconsistencies, such as invalid and incorrect entries in the registry, unused keys in the registry, and inconsistent growth of the registry. Due to such registry drawbacks, you can encounter various problems, some of which are: The system booting time increases considerably and it doesn t provide good response even in the best of hardware configurations. The most basic commands start responding very slowly or do not respond at all. The Web browser sometimes does not get the appropriate system response which hampers in effortless Web-browsing. Various applications running in the system encounters unexpected closing. Sudden loss of control of the system, which many a times leads to complete system failure.
The primary reason behind the registry problems is the continuous use of the registry, which subsequently grows the registry entries making it uncontrollable and ultimately slows downs the performance of the system. In such situations, you need to go for a registry fix, where you can consult various free registry fix software. You can download these software from various Web sites that offer them as free registry fix downloads.
The most commonly used registry fix software is the registry cleaner that allows your registry to recover from various registry vulnerabilities, which in return improves the performance of your system. The primary function of the registry cleaner is to scan your registry efficiently and effectively, and delete the various unnecessary entries in the registry. A good registry cleaner always offers registry backups before deleting the unused registry entries so that whenever you need any particular registry entry in the near future, you can restore immediately. It also deletes the registry entries made by spyware and adware programs to provide network security to some extent. So, using the registry cleaner, you can perform registry fix that helps in keeping your registry up-to-date and also scheduling, backing up and restoring the registry according to your convenience.
Author is admin and technical expert associated with development of computer security and performance enhancing software like Registry Cleaner, Anti Spyware, Window Cleaner, Anti Spam Filter. Visit: Home Page. Learn secrets for an efficient Registry Fix. Visit PCMantra informative Resource Center to read more about the products and their usage.

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CSS Hacks and Tips For Multiple Browsers & Detection

More and more web developers are ditching tables and coming round to the idea of usingCSS to control the layout of their site. With the many benefits of usingCSS, such as quicker download time, improved accessibility and easier site management, why not?

The problem with CSS

Historically the main problem with using CSS has been lack of browser support. This is no longer the case as version 5 browsers, which all have good support for CSS, now account for over 99% of browsers in use.

Instead, the problem is that browsers can sometimes interpret CSS commands in different ways, causing developers to throw their arms up in the air and switch back to pixel-perfect table layouts. Fear not though, as you learn more about CSS you ll gradually start to understand the different browser interpretations and realise that there aren t really that many.

How browser detection using CSS hacks works

The way browser detection using CSS hacks works is to send one CSS rule to the browser(s) you re trying to trick, and then send a second CSS rule to the other browsers, overriding this first command. If you have two CSS rules with identical selectors then the second CSS rule will always take precedence.

Say for example you wanted the space between your header area and the content to have a gap of 25px in Internet Explorer, or IE as it s affectionately known. This gap looks good in IE but in Firefox, Opera and Safari the gap is huge and a 10px gap looks far better. To achieve this perfect look in all these browsers you would need the following two CSS rules:

header margin-bottom: 25px;

header margin-bottom: 10px;

The first command is intended for IE, the second for all other browsers. How does this work? Well, it won t at the moment because all browsers can understand bothCSS rules so will use the second CSS rule because it comes after the first one.

By inserting a CSS hack we can perform our browser detection by hiding the second CSS rule from IE. This means that IE won t even know it exists and will therefore use the first CSS rule. How do we do this? Read on and find out!

Browser detection for Internet Explorer

To send different CSS rules to IE, we can use the child selector command which IE can t understand. The child selector command involves two elements, one of which is the child of the other. So, html>body refers to the child, body, contained within the parent, html.

Using the example of the header margin, our CSS command would be:

header margin-bottom: 3em;

html>body header margin-bottom: 1em;

IE can t understand the second CSS rule due to the html>bodyCSS command so will ignore it and use the first rule. All other browsers will use the second rule.

Browser detection for Internet Explorer 5

It may seem strange at first to send different CSS rules to different versions of a browser, but in the case of IE5 it s very necessary. This is due to IE5 s misinterpretation of the box model. When specifying the width of an element in CSS, padding and borders aren t included in this value. IE5 however, incoporates these values into the width value causing element widths to become smaller in this browser.

The following CSS rule would result in a width of 10em for all browsers, except IE5 which would give it a width of just 5em ( IE5 would incorporate two sets of padding and border, on both the left and right, when calculating the width):

header padding: 2em; border: 0.5em; width: 10em;

The solution to this problem? Perform browser detection and send a different CSS rule to IE5:

header padding: 2em; border: 0.5em; width: 15em; width/**/:/**/ 10em;

IE5 will use the first width value of 15em, 5em of which will be taken up by the two sets of padding and border (one each for the left and for the right). This would ultimately give the element a width of 10em in IE5.

The 15em value will then be overridden by the second width value of 10em by all browsers except IE5, which for some reason can t understand CSS commands with empty comment tags either side of the colons. It doesn t look pretty but it does work!

Browser detection for Internet Explorer on the Mac

Quite simply, IE on the Mac does strange things with CSS. The browser s become somewhat obsolete as Microsoft aren t going to be bringing out an updated version. As such, many web developers code their CSS-driven sites so that the site works in IE/Mac, although it may not offer the same level of advanced functionality or design. Provided IE/Mac users can access all areas of the site this is seen as a suitable way of doing things.

To hide a command using the IE/Mac CSS hack7 is simple, and involves wrapping a set of dashes and stars around as many CSS rules as you like:

/* Hide from IE-Mac */

header margin-bottom: 3em;

footer margin-top: 1.5em;

/* End hide */

IE/Mac will simply ignore all these commands. This CSS hack can actually be quite useful if there s a certain area of the site not working properly in IE/Mac. If that section isn t fundamental to being able to use the site, you can simply hide it from IE/Mac like so:

noiemac display: none

/* Hide from IE-Mac */

noiemac display: block;

/* End hide */

The first CSS rule hides the entire section assigned the noiemac id (i.e.

Browser detection for IE 4 and Netscape 4

Version 4 browsers have limited and somewhat erratic support for CSS. Making a CSS layout in these browsers, whose market share has now slipped well below 1%, can be extremely challenging. It s become common practice nowadays to completely hide the CSS file from version 4 and earlier browsers. This can be achieved using the @import directive to call up the CSS document:

Version 4 (and earlier) browsers will display a non-styled version of the site as they can t understand this @import directive.


On the whole, modern browsers have very good support for CSS - certainly good enough for you to be using CSS to control layout and presentation. Sometimes however, certain page elements will appear differently in different browsers. Don t worry too much if you don t know the reason why - if you can fix it up with these CSS hacks then your web pages should look great across all browsers!

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Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Convenience that an Inkjet Coder Gives

Another newly and highly developed inkjet coder has been introduced by ATD Inkjet Systems. This inkjet coder offers a high contrast print at a high speed. The outputs produced are surely sharp and vivid. This is not the first product they have presented. In fact, it is the third product they have released in the market this year.
The new IP9000 Solidjet is depicted to be the next generation in inkjet printers. This printer is very important as it is the alternative to the printers we are using right now. This printer is believed to be of no match to the other printers when it comes to sharpness, quality. This printer is very much applicable to various printing applications.
With this printer, you don t have to worry about all the printing stuffs. The features of this printer include the food packaging, plastic packs, cereal packs and plastic films. Soon it can be applied on concrete, textiles and plastics.
Inks are definitely expensive and it may have no chance of bargain. The only remedy is to have replacements in cartridges. Since inks will never settle its price, the printer s cartridge will make it negotiable.
InkSaver has come up with a way on how to keep your inks reduce and lessen its cost. They thought that if the amount of inks they used to cover up a print job would be reduced, your budget will now be harmed.
This is made compatible and reliable with all the inkjet printer types. This explanation is helpful and efficient and it does not mean disturbing the quality of your prints. The price of inks was not reduced. Instead, they have come up with this solution to lessen the amount of inks spread onto the computer. It s like printing in the draft mode but the resolution should not be changed and affected.
The adjustment will be set by the percentage and proportion in the use of ink. You will have to set it like increase the black ink and lower the color. If you think you get to spend a lot with your printing, this is a very good alternative. It is very important to save up inks because they are expensive and hard to replace. You can save up inks by not using it at not so important prints.
For more related articles, you may visit

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