Friday, April 4, 2008

Top 10 Ways To Protect Yourself From Computer Viruses

As more and more people become comfortable using their computers at school, home or office computer, it& 39;s just a matter of time before the virus has occurred. Here are our top 10 steps to protect your computer from viruses.
use high quality anti - virus program. There are many other anti - a computer virus programs on the market, some of them more than others adds. For computer magazines or websites to look for a good reputation, so you can easily find ratings to the one that matches your needs. Your anti
always - virus software. Make sure your anti - always on, and the virus scanning software, incoming and outgoing e-mail messages, and all the software to run the program. Your anti-virus program up to date
keep. Most of the programs each year subscription with updates teureul Make sure you take advantage of. More advanced programs are used to examine the entire system to the time schedule for the update teuhageona " Off & quot; 2 am, as the market appears to be not likely to use a computer.
keep your computer up to date. For the operating system& 39;s security holes and often sacrifice teureulhapnida problem with the update. Check periodically to make sure looks to be the latest version of the software to run the stable.
backup your data regularly. Most of the windows in my computer users of the document, document archiving " & quot; folders. This allows you to back up all of your important documents are straightforward. Make copies of the weekly or monthly or usb drive to the cd. Usb floppy disk drive, or your
if to use a computer to the school with a public computer lab, Kinko& 39;s, or even printing digital photos, make sure that stores scanned for viruses. The public computers are notorious for a maximum date and are not adequately protected. E-mail attachments to
be boundaries. E-mail attachment to all the potential risks to treat. You are never really the people who do not expect to open the attachment. In addition, the attachment that people did not expect to be careful. The number of computers infected with the virus to replicate itself from the computer to read and contacts.
use if possible, the e-mail text. And while formatting html email is prettier and more efficiently with a computer virus. Suit also continues to manage it. If you are using a text-based e-mail virus is the only way I can get to open the attachment. To download the software, freeware and shareware files or
use warning. Reputable sources popularity tries to download the program to scan and upload them from before. Make sure you are safe checks to the computer before you installed the program. Instant messages or instant messaging software
be link to the boundary. Do not accept an invitation from absolute strangers to trust you if you do not click on the link, they are redirected another website, the virus is easily performed. Suit trying to install a computer system., all rights reserved.

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